Monday, August 6, 2012

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The original design of the original eight middle cannon fully abolished, but the bevel on both sides of the front and rear of the chimney with a 12-inch single-mounted turret [Note 7. Xu Jingcheng editor: World Atlas of division boat 1900 > (Dalian, 1900), vol 16] that, in addition to the the broadsides fire can play all six of the fire outside, before and after the fire can reach 4 ship standard displacement of 17,521 tons, speed 20 September 9, 1899, the the nfl fleet. nfl specifically to her re-named even made the ship in the birth (The Birth of a Leviathan), Challenges from the ancient Orient, God authentic nfl an outstanding fighter, he worked hard to Britain's dominance in the ocean still be undefeated, he is John the Abba Snow Tefeisheer (by Lord, John Arbuthnot Fisher) Lord, he not only throughout the British Empire military enjoys a high prestige, but also a senior naval officer familiar with the principle of science and technology as a gunnery expert, Sir Fisher brewing in an ambitious improve the ambitious plans of Fleet shooting standards. he served as authentic nfl Mediterranean Fleet Commander, he proved by experiments, the Royal Navy can attack an enemy fleet in the distance of 6000 yards. In addition, to accurately target and concentrate all the artillery salvo modern artillery can effectively combat the objectives of the 8000 yards at the end, jazz has come to this general conclusion: conditions to improve shooting accuracy, if the investment in the long-range naval warfare, large caliber artillery, the greater the number the greater the naval fleet in the hope of winning. [Note 9 Sir Fisher, JA: throwback nba jerseys, more importantly, his incomparable energy authentic nfl Navy immediately made a resounding answer, the answer is down in the naval annals of the Nfl weak 6,cheap basketball jerseys, etc., also took the lead all the Parsons steam turbine and four propeller propulsion system consisting of a maximum speed of 21.05, the

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