Wednesday, December 26, 2012

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Their arrogance is arrogance to the extreme, the two temple Lianggong most people looked at each other, at first do not understand what that means, was seen as the lead of a few people bow does not immediately understand the other person was saying every word is true, and felt a big loss of face, the copies were bowed his head in disgrace.
Laughter very long drag than twice the length of time of applause, after a quarter of an hour had just stopped at the same time, Park Presbyterian calm, continue in the dark after they finished laughing, said: Let's oldest customers, the next on behalf of Bi Men express our deep gratitude and respect! Xue elders Please sit! ... annual opening remarks are these old saying, everyone's ears have been listening to the calluses, Oh, I announced a Banquet formal determine the specific transaction feast after. The left side of the small door suddenly opened, the Aiki two dozen of his disciples filed into the room, a few people quickly replaced with a new Candlestick rest of the people holding a huge tray, quick to put on each table meals, per person, there is a large altar wine, their action fast, skilled, well-trained, obviously well prepared, and then filed out of the finished dish.
Few dishes in front of everyone is only five, but are with jade bowl big tub filled, dirty one element, color, flavor and taste, to see that this is the specialty of Herbs Hill, aroma nostrils mouth watering, everyone spirit with enthusiasm, high spirits and the only regret is that this wine Danru water, so much wine, not as good as that beverage.
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Saturday, December 22, 2012

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Wednesday, December 5, 2012

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Friday, October 26, 2012

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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

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Friday, October 12, 2012

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